Educatiors in Schools and Other Settings
We provide educators with digital skills training using selected apps. We can also work with educators to co-create blended learning activities, including resources for App Club sessions, projects and trips. For schools with App Clubs, additional training can be given to supplement the training that takes place in the App Club sessions.
"the sessions were well planned and well resourced"
"once the intial skills had been secured I felt confident to share them with the whole class"
"this has been great for my professional development"
"the sessions were well planned and well resourced" "once the intial skills had been secured I felt confident to share them with the whole class" "this has been great for my professional development"
Apps for Cross Curricular Projects
In the App Club we are currently using apps for digital art and design and for interactive mind mapping. We also use an app to co-curate project resources. These apps can be used to enhance cross curricular projects and strengthen connections between schools, communities and external providers.
Dual or Multiple Exceptionality
“‘Dual or Multiple Exceptionality’ is not a term that is well known either among families or professionals, although it is recognised by the Westminster Government and other devolved Governments in the UK. … We need to look at both high ability and SEND through the lens of the other, and how they combine to form DME …
… Ryan and Waterman (2018) estimate that about 60,000 children at school may fit the definition of DME, although this figure may be an under-estimate”
Denise Yates, “Parenting Dual Exceptional Children” (2022)
Learning Differences
Experience has shown that personalised blended learning can be transformative for children with learning differences. In future we would like to work with others to offer technology-enhanced training and advice sessions to help parent / carers and teachers work together, to support children who are struggling in or out of mainstream school. We have learnt a lot from our experiences as parents of children who learn differently. Collectively our experience includes parenting, home educating and / or working with children with a variety of learning differences and additional needs including dyslexia, dyspraxia and those listed below:
ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ASD = autism spectrum disorder
DME = dual or multiple exceptionality, ie HLP and SEND
HLP = high learning potential
SEMH = social, emotional and mental health
SPD = sensory processing disorder